Privacy Policy

Regarding personal information provided to us, Honors Co., Ltd will make every effort to strive for and actualize appropriate collection, use, and safety control by complying with laws and related regulations pertaining to the protection of personal information.

1. Compliance

We have set up personal information standards and all our employees will comply with such.

2. Objective

When obtaining personal information, we carry out legitimate and fare measures after clarifying the purpose of usage. The objective of usage regarding the collection and use of personal information will be clarified. Moreover, the use of such will be done correctly within the appropriate scope.

3. Measures for safety

Necessary measures will be taken to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information. We will annual review of Act on specified commercial transactions. Renewed one is inserted on our web site immediately.

4. Provide to a third party

Personal information will not be disclosed nor provided to a third party unless otherwise required by law on justifiable grounds or following cases.

Content of personal information and a third party are noticed on ahead and a customer agrees it.Payment is needed on the shopping.

We ask delivery purchased goods to the delivery company.

We may be required by low on justifiable grounds. When we accept responsibility, personal information will be disclosed.

5. Disclose, Correct and Delete

If a person providing his/her personal information wishes to disclose, correct, delete, or stop the usage of it, we will promptly deal with such request after taking necessary procedures such as identity verification unless otherwise stipulated by law.For the inquiry about personal information, please send via inquiry form.

As long as there is no offer from a customer, we consider our privacy policy is agreed and conduct marketing mission. Thank you for your understanding.

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